Thursday, June 04, 2009


I was just checking my email when I noticed this message from a dating site I no longer frequent. I couldn't help myself. I checked him out. This is not quite as good as Machine Gun Man's profile and emails but he is a close second. Below is his email to me. I just shot him a note back so we'll see what happens. Don't worry, I won't cancel the wine dinner no matter what happens. :)
This is bachelor #2. Etc., etc.

I know it can be a long way from the booming metropolis AND cultural mecca of Bangor to northern NH- in fact one could almost say you can't get theuh from heuh. But I'm a thoroughly desperate man! Just kidding. Sort of.

My profile photo stinks, and I apologize for that. Ihave lost 15 pounds since then, but I didn't really climb Katahdin - I had my head photoshopped onto a photo of Dick Cheney on top of Katahdin. But other than that my profile is almost entirely honest.

I'm trying to get a better photo on to my profile, but my technological capabilities are roughly the equal of those of your average neolithic man. I figure the less time I spend on computers the better off I'll be.

In any event, you said you love the outdoors, and few things give me as much pleasure as hiking, backpacking and camping...once the black flies have all died and gone to hell where they belong.

I love hiking on the AT, and one of these days, maybe this summer, I'm going to finally get off my lazy white butt and do the 100-mile wilderness right here in the great state of Maine. I know a place here in Maine - Caratunk, to be precise - where one can hike to one's heart's content, get a pint of good beer and sit in a big outdoor hot tub. That, in October, is sheer heaven.

But that's enough for now. I hope this message finds you in good health and good spirits, and if I don't hear from you I wish you the best of luck with your search.

Take care, Lawrence (of Acadia)

Here is my member profile:

Wicked Cunnin' Mainuh

Greetings! It is sunny and 70 degrees here in Bangor, Maine, and I am absolutely dying to get outside and enjoy this fabulous weather, so this might be a little briefer and less witty than it might normally be. I recently moved to Bangor, and I offer no excuses for what might seem to some an act of sheer lunacy. Hey, if it's good enough for Paul Bunyan and a blue ox, it's good enough for me!

I like to hike; camp; swim; travel; read; ski; snorkel; talk politics, sports and history; write; and speak foreign languages. I enjoy going to movies; eating out; eating in; watching (a moderate amount of) sports; and drinking (a moderate amount of) beer. I like to play with kids, especially my own (he's nine years old and lives with his mom in Montville, Maine), and I like to play with and walk dogs.

I am fairly political, and I'm a lefty, so it probably wouldn't work with a conservative, a reactionary, a neofascist, or even a good, old-fashioned fascist.

I've traveled a fair amount in these here United States - 47 of them - and in Canada, Latin America, Europe and Africa; and I've lived in Latin America and Europe.

I love kids, and animals, so if you have any, that would be no problem. If you write I will write back - how's that for a deal? My father and I have been corresponding weekly for 33 years, so I am capable of writing!

In any event, I wish you luck with your search.

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