Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I Deserve for This to End Well

I wanted to share with you that I met a real live normal person on a date this weekend. I know this is not nearly as funny or bathetic as meeting a loser, freak or sociopath, but it happened. Sure, he's not overly handsome. He doesn't have long hair like Jesus. He doesn't think he's god's gift to North Conway. But gosh darn it, he was nice, did what he said what he was going to do and showed up on time. Isn't that all a gal can ask for? Oh, and he skis a lot. He gave us each a Hawaiin Lai to wear as we tooled around the slopes on a sunny day and did not ONCE make a joke involving a pun on the term "getting laid." He also does not have an over bearing ex, children in his custody, an overly-demanding job, an alcohol issue or anger towards his last 3 dates.

Shout out to best gal-pal Cindy for giving me emotional support and validation as I try to forget the latest indignity I suffered at the hands of Mr. PAL (pathetic aging lothario - please see earlier posts). "He's a SOCIOPATH" she exclaimed. "There's something WRONG with him."

Catch phrase of our day together (also skiing) - my new mantra - one that I hope works: "I deserve for this to end well."

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