Friday, August 28, 2009

Answers from the Past

When I was in high school, my dating successes were about as limited as I have found them as an adult. Then as now, I always had a lot of guy friends. Between my love of music and art, I hung out with an earthy crunchy crowd and we merrily tripped our way (literally) through the70s and 80s together before moving out of our South Shore resort town after high school.
I had a major crush on one of these male friends, a fellow art major, who, despite spending many hours together, never made the move. He did however pine over a mutual friend in our clique, Kara. "The girl with Hobby Holly eyes," he would moon about her. Too bad she had a problem with Qualuudes, alcohol and any other substance that could be abused. She also stole my other boyfriend Steve, easily and without any protest. With friends like this, etc., etc.
So it is with some surprise that I get to the true bottom of the story as I view his Facebook page today. He is in a relationship with ... a guy named Francis. Yup, he's gay. So truly, it never had anything to do with me. I'm sure his mooning over Kara was a cover up as to his real feelings, which undoubtedly were not something to make public in early 1980s Marsh-Vegas.
And in case you're wondering, I am not spending the weekend alone. I am cautiously optimistic about Ed the Engineer who I've gone out with twice now.  I don't have  nick name for him yet, but don't worry, I'm sure it's coming. 
If my life were a Steven King novel, he would play the part of the local middle aged sherrif, with his eye on the 40-something waitress at the diner who works in a seacoast Maine town. You know the type - looks like Ed Harris, a kind heart and a crooked smile. He's doomed, I'm sure, but as Hurricane Danny moves up the coast, it's any port in a storm.

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