Well, Ed the Engineer is no more. He cancelled over the weekend, presumably due to a death in the family. "I'm sorry! I need to go to a funeral and wake on Sunday!" his voice mail mesage to me. I thought it was odd that on a Saturday he would learn about a wake .. .and a funeral ... the next day, but I'm the trusting sort.
"That is the oldest line in the book. He has another date," gal pal Tammy warned me. I hate it when Tammy is right. Because this morning, I find an email explaning he has reconciled with his ex who is "ran into" this weekend. I could have fun with that euphemism but I'm in too grim a mood to do so.
On a related note, I had exchanged emails with a man for a year or two, as he moved out of town before we got to meet. He then sent a note last month asking if we could get together as he was coming back to the area. We made plans, set a date and then ... I never heard from him again.
Well, I didn't hear from HIM but I did hear from his estate. He went and died on me. Or at least that is what the woman who sent me an email from his account said. "He passed away recently. Those wishing to may mail a donation to xyz charity in his name."
I emailed back my condolences and asked ... what happened? "You can call his cell phone and I'll tell you," she replied.
I haven't called yet. I had a flash of insight. Maybe he wasn't really dead. Maybe he was married and now just WISHED he was dead as his wife contacts all his potential paramours.
And totally appropos of nothing, Lonnie tried to add me as a friend on Facebook. I declined but not before I looked up his profile and saw ... he is "in a relationship." Truly, everyone has found someone but me now. I hope she's not too smart. Well, if she's publically link to him, I guess that goes without saying.
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