When I was married, I imagined dating to be much like going to Disney World, but with less cash changing hands. I couldn't wait! In fact, it's been more like being lost in a corn maze for 36 months. I know there's an exit here somewhere ...
But I digress. The local Maine TV station has been playing reruns of vintage Star Trek episodes and I watched several of them this weekend. I realized that Kirk and Spock could be used as an exercise in contrast in life and, yes, in dating.
Step One is determining if you are more of a Spock, or a Kirk. I would say I'm more of a Spock, definitely a left brain kinda gal. You can tell because of the eye-glasses. That and the fact that at age 43 I am blogging Star Trek, wondering why I can't get a date.

Kirk would go at it with anyone. Remember that female alien with the green skin? Yeah, he was good with that. He had no problem feeling up his subordinates either. Yeoman, Communications Officer, you name it. In a short velour mini-dress? Come into my quarters, baby! Kinda like Austin Powers but better looking.
Spock was more thoughtful. Because he was only half human, he only occasionally craved female companionship. But when he did, watch out. Kind of like me and too much vodka. Although in the most memorable episode, Spock gets doused by some sort of alien flower spore and runs amok, proclaiming his love for the first native he comes across. Definitely like me and too much vodka.
As an interesting side note ... in researching photos for this post, I came across a surprising number of homoerotic photos and illustrations depicting Kirk and Spock. I had never thought of this! How could this be? Yet there they are. This one is just funny, not racy. This is a PG-rated blog, after all. Google it yourself if you want to see the crazy-ass stuff. I will never watch Star Trek the same again.
So I think my new strategy is to be more Kirk, and less Spock. I need to be open to the possibilities that present themselves. Even if their complexion is a little green. Beam me up!
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