So MGM is not one to get shaken off easily. I got an email from him this a.m. He went to a trade show where my company was exhibiting, even though I was not there.
He went up to one of my employees who was working the show, and talked her into taking a photo of him in front of the booth.
I am immensely grateful that he did not disclose his identity to him, so horrified I would be to be associated with this odd person doing such an odd thing.
His bizzaro email:
"So if ((name changed to protect the innocent)) tells you how great it was, casually ask if she took any pictures. She got at least one - it was me standing next to the poster. I asked her to take it and show all her friends at work, maybe email me a copy - but actually I just wanted her to take one of me for you, and now it's up to you to get a copy."
"Be casual about it, don't worry about letting on (I didn't 'out' you to your friends from work - I figure when you're ready to introduce me to your friends, you will.) But get a copy."
So yeah. Weird is as weird does. What do I expect from Mr. Best Ad Ever on Craigslist.
And not to be out-done, Spaceman called me last night, invited me to play golf with his league today, then called back this a.m. to un-invite me.
Now one other funny thing about him, other than his complete lack of manners, is his iPhone. It mis-dials easily. So I frequently get calls from his pocket. After he called to cancel, his iPhone called back. I whistled loudly to no avail. This happens frequently enough that sometimes I just listen in case something interesting gets said. I can hang on as long as I like - the iPhone will not hang up once it inadvertently dials me.
You know - now that I think of it, the iPhone has called me a few times after Spaceman has called to cancel on me. Could it be ... the iPhone is ... his CONSCIENCE?
I imagine conversations like, "There, Tanya. Are you happy? I blew her off again. Now let's go dancing." But usually I just hear the wind blowing or the sound of fabric brushing against the receiver.
If only the iPhone could talk. "Hi, Kathy? It's me, iPhone here. I gotta tell you. You can do a LOT better than Spaceman. You know the golf league? Bunch of drunken losers. You're much better off hanging with your kid tonight. Oh, gotta go. Call you later!"
Completely apropos of nothing, let me share with you the blog of a business associate I had dinner with last night: www.livingoprah.com
It's interesting enough - but what is really interesting is that this blog has generated so much interest, she now has an agent, book deal, TV appearances, etc. She's living my dream!
So please, loyal blog readers - share this with anyone (who doesn't know me) and get the word out. My blog is much funnier than hers. And why give Oprah more media coverage than she already has.
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