Thursday, August 23, 2007


OK, my faithful readers (ok, reader) have asked me why no blogs lately. It was a combination of despair and apathy that has overtaken me for the last 10 months. But here goes.

One recent potential paramour described himself as "heavy set" in his ad could have been a body double for Jabba the Hutt. And to make matters worse, he emails me about 20 photos - only two of which feature him. The rest are photos from his Mexican vacation with his sister. One, he explains, you "can't really see him." It's because he is the size of a grain of rice going down what must be the largest water slide in Cancun. The Aztec ruins were more interesting.

Then there are the guys who, instead of sending photos of themselves alone, try to crop out their ex in a picture of the couple together. A bit of shapely arm or blonde hair below the black box covering her face always gives it away.

Few quick hits and misses from my online dating scene since my last post (all true):
* The guy that farted in public on a date.
* The guy that emailed me 80 megs of MP3 files after I told him I liked music ... and then quizzed me on which songs I liked best. It just about took down the server (sorry Andrea!). Oh, and he sent it from his DIAL UP connnection.
* The guy with the serious speech impediment.
* The guy I drove through a blizzard for our first date (I hate to cancel).
* And one more foot fetish guy.

I feel like I'm forgetting someone here - I'm sure I'll remember it later and come back for another post. Stay tuned!