Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Prettiest Girl at Hoot Night

I frequent a local tavern that hosts an open mic night every Tuesday. I am a regular. I walk in and the bartender pours me a Smithwicks without asking. The emcee gives me a subtle hand gesture acknowledging I have dibs in the order of performers. I tune up Martin and leave him by the stage and wait for my turn.

Unlike other aspects of my life, Hoot Night rarely disappoints me. It offers up a crazy quilt of musical talents. Last week, a pair of 12 year olds showed up and sang and played guitar with a stage presence I cannot compete with (and didn't - I left without playing. WC Fields would not appear in a film with dogs or kids and who am I to not follow his example). Ukuleles and mandolins are common place. And last night a bag pipe player enveloped the very small room with a few numbers backed by a rock band. You don't see that just anywhere.

I get up to do my usual shtick - a combination of Emmy Lou Harris and Bonnie Raitt. It's truly an open jam session. Suddenly behind me I hear the sweet sounds of a pedal steel guitar. Then the insistent pulse of a bass guitar. Followed by the not too subtle banging of an amateur drummer who joins in. Suddenly my usual solo gig is a full-on band and the crowd is cheering.

Not many women get up and play, and definitely not many women my age. Why is it that women give up their rock and roll dreams after kids, family and work take over? Clearly middle aged guys were out in force, at least at this little outpost. I've seen a few young women get up and play. And then that 12 year old. Then most of us take off for 10-20 years of child-bearing. Few if any come out the other side singing. I speak from experience. I'm only just starting to warm up myself.

So I sit down after my set. The row of guys at the bar give me a thumbs up and then turn back to the Sox game on the screen. It's the 11th inning and the Sox can't seem to pull ahead of the Tampa Bay Stingrays. A bag pipe wails in the background. It's Hoot Night and easily, I am the prettiest girl there. For now, this will have to be enough.

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