Monday, November 02, 2009

Dog Daze

I saw something amazing on an online dating site last night. I got a message that I had received a note from an interested prospect. So I logged in and found a nice note from someone who lives fairly locally. His profile picture was not bad. Then I dug into his photo gallery and found pictures of his dog.

But not just his dog - his dog with puppies!

Oh, cute little puppies! But wait, what IS that? What is THAT photo? Oh, it is the dog giving birth to puppies. IT IS THE DOG'S PLACENTA!

Yes, this man posted photos of his dog's afterbirth as part of his online dating profile.

It is always nice to understand a person's interests and activities. And photos are a good way as they say, they are worth a thousand words. But this? Are you serious? Is this an activity you want to partake of with your date? Do you have a dog fetish? Did you forget where you were uploading these photos?

So yeah - I deleted his note.

Meanwhile, things are chugging along nicely with Mr. Clean, as I now have named my new potential paramour. He doesn't have the earring but he is bald, wears tight tee shirts and has muscular arms. And he cleaned up after he made dinner for us last week.

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