Monday, April 07, 2008

Ways to Catch a Man's Attention

There's a saying ... if you can't do, teach. If you can't teach ... write a blog. Loyal blog reader Voyeura asked me to give my top ways to catch a man's attention. Of course, if she was paying attention she would see that this clearly has not been my forte. I think however she is impressed with the sheer volume of men I have managed to date and, like many of my 40- and 50-something married female friends, is living vicariously through my exploits. So here, in no particular order, are some ideas to share:

"Wanna see where I'm getting my next tattoo?" This idea was actually suggested by a guy who was chatting me up at a bar in North Conway. Imagine that.

"I have a master key" - to the bar, to the summit cabin, to the access road, to the bank vault. Think about where you work and what you can exploit. A private tryst in a mountain-top hideaway? Sounds good to me. Any takers? Programming note to any co-workers reading this - I'm just kidding.

"I have so much money - I just don't know how to spend it" - Sugar-mammas take note. Gold-brickers and cougar-hunters just love an attractive gal with a fat bank account. Somethings you just can't buy, however. Like intelligence.

1 comment:

MMCC said...

Back in college we could just say "Hey, wanna come up to my swingle and see my stereo?" I guess it's not that easy anymore!