Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bottoms Up

I am experimenting with dating while not under the influence and I have to tell you, it's not pretty.

Frank doesn't give a shit if I'm drunk, sober, upright, upside down - as long as I'm listening, he's game.

Others are concerned. "Do we like each other when we're sober?" Spaceman asked worriedly recently. We'll find out.

We went golfing yesterday. "Let's have a pre-round lube!" I was encouraged into the bar next to the course. Confused looks were exchanged as I ordered a diet Coke with lime. While I generally suck as a golfer, this round was bad even by my standards. Not a good start.

Then we went out to dinner and "drinks." He had 3 beers, I had cranberry juice. He then - get this - proceeded to poke fun at me.

The drive home - alone - was startlingly in focus and with no fears - founded or unfounded - that a police car would drop in behind me.

Spaceman is currently cleaning out his apartment, which he has dubbed "The Cave." I have been there once - there was a rough path through the debris to his bedroom, which was graced with a large dog who shared the bed with us for the evening. I haven't been back since, as he wants to clean up (after seeing my home and discovering that yes, adults can and do have nice houses). "Why not just save yourself the trouble and date a blind girl," I suggested.

A blind date in the true sense - what a concept! So of course I googled this when I got home. Can you believe there is NOT a dating website for the blind? Sorry Spaceman, you're on your own. Either that or you'll have to poke my eyes out. Which would be preferable to another sober round of golf with you.

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