Thursday, November 06, 2008

That's What Friends are For

I am so fortunate to have so many girlfriends and loyal blog readers. You have all sent me funny and heartfelt advice about my current situation. So I have to share some of the more interesting comments publicly, mostly about new developments with Beldar, I mean, Francois:

From blog follower K: Ok, so SOMETIMES "self-employed" is not code for "unemployed". And "French" is not code for "Conehead". But I am reserving potentially effusive enthusiasm until you can confirm that "no sex as of second date" is not code for "very gay". Let's put it all on Beldar and let it ride.

From friend Ruby the Tarot Card Reader: She did a reading for me last week. The reading revealed: A brash man stands in the way of my happiness (hello, PAL). I have been victorious in battle and am ready to receive the wealth and riches I am due. Then the "Strength" card came up. "You need to watch your sharp tongue with this new guy." Keywords associated with this character: Self control, slowness, softness. Yeah RIGHT.

Gal Pal Michelle is supportive as always. I told her about this tarot card reading, and the one noted in a previous blog posting. "Don't bite off the head of the man in the white robe," she warned me. She added: "You are amazing. Any guy that doesn't realize that and step up to the plate is only good for buying you drinks and carrying your guitar. You are a funny, beautiful, interesting, gifted woman that no one has truly appreciated just yet. I guess you'll just have to wait for spring."

How can you go wrong with friends like this?

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