Friday, August 25, 2006

Garden Variety Pervert

OK, so the pilot guy I mentioned last night. Yeah, just a garden variety pervert looking for women online. Started out innocuous enough then starts asking questions that would make a sailor blush (this is on Yahoo IM).

I was like, "would you ask me that if you met me in a bar?" "But we're not in a bar!" That's the problem with the internet - complete anonymity breeds abnormal behavior.

Then he tells me he is a multi-millionaire and asks me to take my shirt off. I suggested that with all his money he could just go to any number of websites and find women willing to do this for him. (PROGRAMMING NOTE - AT THIS POINT, I AM CONTINUING THE CONVERSATION FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF GETTING MORE FODDER FOR THIS BLOG).

He then tells me he is sitting naked with a bowl of fruit in his lap (yeah, you can't make this shit up). Suggests we get together and he can give me a massage. So I asked innocently, "wouldn't you rather have a cup of coffee first?"

At this point, he's on to me. Apparently perverts don't like having their perversions made fun of. So he logged off rather abruptly.

I've decided to take down the craigslist ad when I'm on vacation next week - I hate to leave all those weirdos hanging in limbo until I return.

NEXT UP - a comparison of online dating sites OR pick a site based on the type of losers you want to attract!

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