Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Tic & Tock

So the guy that got lost in the parking lot. Ability to follow directions apparently is not the least of his issues.

I know this sound horrible. There are probably many, many lovely, kind-hearted, hard-working deserving people with this issue. I just don't want to date them. So when I met up with Mr. Has a House at Jay Peak the first 29 seconds were very promising. Then it started.

The TIC. Yes, every 30 seconds his head jerked to the right. I thought maybe it was just nervous jitters but over the next 90 minutes, I could set my watch by the nervous tic.

Other than that, he was a nice guy. Not bad looking, common interests. But damn, I couldn't get past the tic!

I immediately called Loyal Reader Michelle. She proclaimed indignantly, "he should have told you about this before you met up." I rolled this around in my mind for a while - how do you bring this up? I for one sometimes tap my foot incessantly. Does that warrant a pre-date disclaimer?

Or maybe dating sites should add to their checklist of physical attributes (height, eye color, hair colors, etc.), type of verbal or physical deficiencies, including fetishes (see earlier blogs).

When I pointed out that no one in their right mind would admit to this pre-date, she insisted that once we met up he should've offered up an explanation for the tic. What, bad parenting? Dropped on head as child? Liberace? What?

Then I remembered a promising candidate from 2007. He lived close by, tall, dark, handsome, into bodybuilding, and when we reached the point of talking by phone, there it was - the verbal tic. Every 30 seconds a pronounced TKKK would interject his speech. Dumbfoundedly, I agreed to meet him, then cancelled by email.

This gentleman and the previous are both from Maine - could it be from the drinking water? Potatoes? Lobster?

Meanwhile, Mr. PAL (Pathetic Aging Lothario) continues to make surprise appearances. I tried to get him to commit to an activity 48 hours in advance, at which point he inquired, "why, are you moving?" I don't know, seemed funny at the time.

So ... The John Tesh Radio Hour last night recommended talking to 10 people every day as the way to meet someone. As long as none of them are from Maine, it might work.

1 comment:

peacemaker said...

I still contend that he should have said something about the tick at some point, so the big white elephant at the table could have enjoyed his dinner.